What is the Breast Augmentation Process?

‍Breast augmentation is a procedure that involves the insertion of an artificial device in order to increase the size and volume of a person’s breasts. Before undergoing breast augmentation, it is important to understand everything there is to know about the process. During this period, you will meet with several doctors who will evaluate your unique needs and help you choose which options are best for you. The entire process involves several steps, which you will read about below.

Choosing the Right Surgeon

While breast augmentation is a safe procedure, it’s important to ensure you choose the right surgeon. It’s recommended that you choose a board-certified plastic surgeon who has experience performing breast augmentation. You should select a surgeon who is both knowledgeable and compassionate, and who you feel comfortable with. It’s also ideal to find a surgeon who performs a large number of breast augmentation procedures each year. This can help ensure your procedure goes smoothly as possible.

Determining Your Goals

The first thing to do is to determine what your goal is. You may be considering breast augmentation because you want to increase the size of your breasts, correct a deformity, or lift sagging breasts. Once you decide how you want to change your breasts, you can move forward with the process. Breast augmentation can help you increase the volume and size of your breasts. Some people want to get breast implants for the same reasons others want breast reduction surgery, they’re too large for their body type. Breast augmentation is often used in combination with breast reduction to achieve an overall balanced look. The procedure can also help correct a deformity, such as a saggy breast or a lopsided breast.

Understanding the Procedure

Breast augmentation may be performed using several different techniques, depending on the patient’s particular needs. A breast lift or mastopexy may be required prior to breast augmentation to correct sagging breasts that would otherwise be difficult to position appropriately for implantation. Patients with smaller breasts may also undergo a breast augmentation procedure in order to increase the volume of their breasts. This can be achieved in one of three ways: - Autologous fat transfer: In this procedure, fat is harvested from other parts of the patient’s body and transferred to the breasts. The fat is then re-injected into the breasts with an implantation device that helps expand and shape the breasts. This is an attractive option for women who would like to increase the volume of their breasts without the need for an additional incision. However, patients who undergo this procedure must stay away from high-impact activities for up to six months after the procedure.

- Breast implant: Breast implants are made of silicone and can be filled with saline or silicone gel. While implant options differ greatly, most breast augmentation procedures require two incisions in the breasts and a third incision below the breast. Implants are often placed behind the breast tissue and sometimes beneath the muscle tissue to create a more natural look.

- Autologous fat and breast implant: This procedure is similar to the fat transfer procedure except that an implant is also inserted into the breasts. Patients who undergo this procedure are often advised to take around one week off from work.

The Surgery Itself

In order to prepare for the surgery, your surgeon will likely recommend that you refrain from smoking and drinking alcohol. You may also be asked to take certain medications a few weeks before the procedure in order to prevent infection. For example, cephalexin is a popular antibiotic that can be taken to prevent infection. It’s important to follow your surgeon’s instructions carefully. This will help to ensure your procedure goes smoothly as possible. Many surgeons recommend that you wear special garments around the breasts following the augmentation. These garments can help support and position the breasts while they heal. It is critical that you wear these garments as directed by your surgeon. 

Breast Augmentation or Breast Lift?

his will help reduce swelling, minimize bruising, and expedite the healing process. Depending on the type of implants you decide on, you may be given a prescription for painkillers or other medications. During the procedure, an incision will be made in each breast. This allows the surgeon to place the implants behind the breast tissue or underneath the breast muscles. The incisions are usually small, with each measuring about one centimetre long. Patients who undergo a breast lift are often given stitches that are dissolvable, which means they will be absorbed by the body several weeks after the procedure. During the recovery process, you may experience some bruising, swelling, and mild pain around the incision areas. You should follow the surgeon’s instructions carefully and avoid any strenuous activity. In most cases, patients are able to return to their normal activities within two weeks after the procedure.

Recovery Process

Following your breast augmentation procedure, it’s important to take care of your incisions. If you notice they have become red, warm, or painful, you may be experiencing an incision infection. If this is the case, you may need antibiotic treatment. Make sure to call your surgeon if you notice anything out of the ordinary. It’s also important that you follow their post-procedure instructions carefully. For example, you will likely be advised to wear compression garments or special bandages around the breasts. These garments help reduce swelling and speed up the healing process.


Breast augmentation is a safe and reliable procedure that can help patients achieve their desired look. Before deciding to undergo the procedure, it is important to understand the entire process. You should make sure to select a surgeon who is both knowledgeable and compassionate, and who you feel comfortable with. It is also ideal to find a surgeon who performs a large number of breast augmentation procedures each year. By following these guidelines, you can help ensure your breast augmentation experience is positive and successful.