How To Care for Curly Hair

Did you know that curly hair is one of the most desired types of hair? That’s because so many people with natural, or even artificially-curled hair, look great. The unique texture softens faces, covers up features you may not like and emphasizes others you like. If you have naturally curly hair, then these tips on how to care for it are just what you need. It is far from easy to maintain natural curls. They tend to be dryer than other types of hair, for example, and have a much shorter natural life span. Here are some things to keep in mind if you have naturally curly locks.

The Basics

When it comes to curly hair care, it’s all about moisture. Remember how we talked about how curly hair is drier than its straight-haired counterpart? This means you’ve got to up your moisturizing game. And when we say moisturizing, we really mean hydrating. In fact, you’ll want to look for products labeled as “water-based.” These formulas are designed to penetrate the hair shaft, providing lasting hydration that can be especially helpful for those with curly hair. When it comes to shampoo and conditioner, you’ll want to look for products with a lower pH level than that of water. This is because a higher pH level can make your curly hair drier than it already is.

Don’t Shower Every Day

While you’ll want to shampoo your hair every second or third day, you’ll want to avoid showering every day. This is because you’ll want to let your scalp naturally produce oils, as this is what’ll keep your hair hydrated. If you shower every day, you’ll strip your scalp of these oils, which can lead to dryness. This is especially important to remember if you’re dealing with the aftermath of an illness or are experiencing seasonal allergies. If you decide to skip the shampoo on a daily basis, be sure to use a dry shampoo between washings. This will provide the texture you’d otherwise be missing out on.

Go Gentle With Your Curls

As we mentioned before, curly hair is drier than straight hair, so you’ve got to be careful with how you style and treat it. When it comes to styling, you’ll want to avoid using extremely hot tools like curling irons. In fact, you should probably avoid using any heat-based styling tools at all. Go for more natural methods such as scrunching your hair with a towel after showering. This will allow the curls to set naturally, rather than being forced into place with a hot tool. You’ll also want to be careful with how you wash your curly hair. While you don’t want to avoid washing it all the time, you’ll want to use a gentler shampoo and avoid scrubbing your scalp too hard. Remember, curly hair is drier than straight hair, so you’ll want to be extra gentle with it.

Keep A Good Curly Hair Care Routine

If you’ve got curly hair, you know that maintaining it is a bit of a challenge. First, you’ll want to shampoo your hair less than once a week (ideally every other week). You can also use a dry shampoo in between washings if you’re really trying to stretch it out. You’ll also want to be sure to use a conditioner at least once per week. You don’t need to condition every time you shampoo your hair; in fact, doing so can lead to your hair becoming too limp. Instead, use a conditioner in the shower once a week, making sure to apply it from the roots to the ends.

Try Out Some Styling Techniques

Curly hair is definitely more challenging than straight hair, but that doesn’t mean you can’t style it! There are tons of different styling techniques you can try out. Here are a few to get you started. - Twist and Tuck - This is a really easy way to create a looser curl pattern. Simply take sections of your hair and twist them before tucking the ends under.

Curly Ponytail - If you’re looking for an easy way to keep your curly hair out of your face, try this styling trick. Simply take a section of your hair from about an inch above your ear and wrap it around the base of your ponytail, securing it with a hair tie.

Curly Bun - This is a great way to show off your curly hair on a night out! Gather your hair into a low bun and then take a few strands and wrap them around the base of the bun to create a more intricate pattern.


Curly hair is definitely a special type of hair, and it requires special attention and care. If you’ve got curly hair, there are a few things you can do to keep it healthy and hydrated. First, you’ll want to be sure to scrub your scalp to encourage the natural production of oils. Next, be gentle with your curls and avoid using extremely hot styling tools. Once you’ve got the basics covered, you can try out some fun curly styling techniques to show off your natural beauty even more! Now that you know how to care for curly hair, you can show off your beautiful hair while keeping it healthy!